
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Clear food Covers

(see original pic here)

From Chris in Canada:
The Strepsils throat lozenges come in bubble packs which are
  1. flimsy
  2. and have a rounded top, so they're not any good for serving bowls.
BUT when used in pairs (one slipped inside the other) with an optional bead handle on top, they are perfect as clear covers for RL 9-10" plates of food for things like a counter display of fancy cakes or tarts. They are 3/4" tall so even work with a 2-layer cake or meringue pie. You don't have to double them up if you are gluing items in place, AND can promise you will never drop, squeeze or accidentally bump one with your tweezers or another plate. Being fumble-fingered on occasion, I chose to be safe rather than sorry, but it's your choice.